Installing Fabric
There are two ways you can install Fabric on your server, via our version install or manually yourself.
Version Installer
To download Fabric via our version installer, select Fabric from the drop-down, then select the version you need.
Once it's downloaded restart your server, and you're all set.
Installing Manually
There are several reasons why you might want to install Fabric manually. One reason could be you're looking for a set Fabric version that isn't on our version installer.
First, download Fabric from here: (opens in a new tab)
Use the drop-downs to select the version you need.
Upload the jar it downloads via the file manager.
Head to the Overview page and set the jar name. It might be too long, so you may need to rename the jar first.
All Done
Restart/start your server. You're all set Fabric is now loaded on your server