How to install and use Luck Perms
Luck Perms is a permission plugin for Minecraft. It allows you to give set command permissions to players. In this guide we'll cover the basics of the plugin, if you want a more in-depth guide, please see the Luck Perms wiki. (opens in a new tab)
Installing the plugin/mod
Luck Perms has versions of a number of platforms. To install download the correct version here: (opens in a new tab) Then upload it via the file manager in your mods/plugins folder
Using The plugin
Once the plugin is installed we can add groups, and permissions via its inbuilt web editor. To open this we're going to run lp editor from the console.
Copy the link the plugin give you and place it in your browser.
When in the editor we can make new groups with the plus button, and add permissions using the box at the bottom of the page. Once you're done editing your permissions press the save button.
Adding A Prefix
A prefix is a tag before the name. To add a prefix to a role, open the editor and put prefix.weight.prefix
Here is an example:
prefix.22.&a&l{&6Head Admin&a&l} &r
The weight will tell Luck Perms what prefix should show. So if the player has the Admin and Head Admin roles, you can see the weight to a higher number on the Head Admin role for it to show.
Getting Prefixes To Show
Now you've set the prefix, we need to get it to show in chat. For this, you'll need something to manage your in-game chat. You can use a plugin like Essentials Chat or Chat EX for this. (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab)
Just add one of these plugins to your server, and it shows start showing the prefixes.
Setting Permissions.
To set permissions, you'll need to know the permission node. These should be posted by the plugin dev somewhere.
Essentials has theirs posted here: (opens in a new tab)
So for example, if we want the player to be able to run /afk. We would need to give them the essentials.afk node.