Adding Plugins
By default, Forge won't support plugins. To get plugins working, we need to download some extra jars.
Depending on the version you're running this will differ.
1.7.10 - Forge
To get plugins to work on 1.7.10 Forge we'll need to use something called Thermos. You can download this via our version installer, just select Thermos from the drop-down.
Installing Manually
Head to this link: (opens in a new tab)
Then click on assets.
Here download the libraries zip and Thermos-1.7.10-1614-server.jar
Next, upload both of these to your server via the file manager. Once the libraries are uploaded right-click and press unarchive. Set the Thermos jar on the overview page, and you're all set.
You can now add plugins to the plugins folder in the file manager.
1.12.2 - Forge
To get plugins to work on 1.12.2 Forge we'll need to use something called Magma. You can download this via our version installer, just select Magma from the drop-down.
Installing Manually
Head to this link: (opens in a new tab)
Here download the latest version for 1.12.2 and upload it to your server via the file manager
Set the Magma jar on the overview page, and you're all set.
You can now add plugins to the plugins folder in the file manager.
1.12.2 - Forge
To get plugins to work on 1.12.2Forge you can also use Mohist. You can download this via our version installer, just select Mohist from the drop-down.
Installing Manually
Head to this link: (opens in a new tab)
Here download the latest version for 1.12.2 and upload it to your server via the file manager
Set the Mohist jar on the overview page, and you're all set.
You can now add plugins to the plugins folder in the file manager.
1.14 + - Forge
For versions past 1.14, we're going to use Arclight. Both Magma and Mohist have versions past 1.12.2, but in our experience, Arclight has fewer issues, so is the better option to go for.
You can download this via our version installer, just select Arclight from the drop-down.
Installing Manually
Head to this link: (opens in a new tab)
Download the version you need. Some might be hidden under legacy, or on the release page on the right. Upload it to your server via the file manager
Set the Arclight jar in the overview page, and you're all set.
You can now add plugins to the plugins folder in the file manager.
Other Options
These jars will get plugins to run on your Forge server, but it might come with stability issues, or cause mods not to work correctly.
If you want to try something else, you can use Sponge Forge: (opens in a new tab)
Download the version you need, then upload it into your mods folder
Sponge Plugins
Sponge won't use Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugins, it uses its own, they can be found here: (opens in a new tab)